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A Lost Piece

28 Mar

The year 2105.  Somewhere in Indonesia.

A yellowed lost sheet of paper rode on the wind.  When it finally dropped on the ground, the following words were written on it:


Harusnya aku bisa tertawa,

Tapi kini aku mengeram durja;

Dulu kau menebar jingga,

Sekarang? Kau menguar lara, pekat jelaga;



Harusnya aku bisa tertawa,

Tapi kini namamu Nestapa,

– ataukah Karbon Dioksida?

Aku lupa….


The writer was never known.  Nor was she ever found.

An Ode to Codeine

27 Jan

Kissing you is a noblest bliss,

Yet I’m drowning in your abyss;

Unbefriended and unbeknownst,

I see stars and all the shining hosts;

Shall I abandon you come what may ?

You bring me warmth, sans any delay;

Embrace me again, – see you tomorrow,

With all my love, and my clear sorrow.

21.00, WGP Park,

27 Jan 09